Sunday, July 25, 2010

These Two Go Together

This first song, by Amy Grant, is about how a broken and contrite heart can be the greatest form of worship. You can have the greatest voice, be a great song writer, play instruments like an angels' song, but the sound that your repentant and sorrow filled heart makes is a better sound to God than any music you can make.

The thing is that we don't bring our broken hearts to just anyone. We bring our hearts to the living God, the God who understands what it is like to feel pain, to have loss, and to die. The thing is our God overcame death. When Jesus was resurrected, that changed everything. This power, this same resurrection power, is in the Holy Spirit, the same Holy Spirit that is placed in every person's heart when they accept the saving grace of Jesus Christ. "Hope is stirring..." indeed! Hosanna! by Paul Baloche. "Hear the sound of hearts returning to You. We turn to You. In Your Kingdom broken lives are made new. You make us new...."

"When we see You we find strength to face the day; in Your presence all our fears are washed away." True worship of the God who saves us! "Have your way among us; we welcome you here Lord Jesus."


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