Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Getting Ready for Step Study: Random Thoughts

Well, bills are paid for a bit, and there's nine whole gallons of gas in my tank, thanks to COR. I aim to pay this back and forward both. I now want to have an eye for those who need help--not the bum on the street but the man or woman across the Sunday School table, or next to me at the worship service. How often did I turn my head at this need, with the person too too proud, ashamed, to admit this kind of help would have been sooo good for them? I think of B and L K. right now. What if, during B's app for SSI, someone paid the electric that month? Or filled their gas tank? This could have been going on, and I didn't know it, and that's good but that doesn't exempt me. God has lifted this scale from my eyes, now I pray that when I see it, I hear His Holy Spirit and do the right thing.

Step Study continues tonight: It should be interesting. New questions, I forgot we had new questions!
1. How do you handle pain and disappointment?

2. How can you begin to address your denial?

Lord, help me to be open to the working of Your wonderful Spirit and help all of us experience the healing that only You can provide...

1 comment:

  1. Amen to your prayer. I will lift you up in prayer also. I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come on over to my blog and check it out. God's blessings too you. Lloyd
