Sunday, August 8, 2010

I Dislike This Time of Year

Well, it's August. I do not like this time of year very much. It's hot. It's humid. In spite of that, the days are getting shorter. It's my version of SAD. Once fall comes, even though it has less light and that light is not as strong, I'll feel energized for a while. Not until the hard core winter weather comes will the weather be a negative on my mood.

The job hunt has stalled. This is not good. I need good reliable work. I was very cross with myself for screwing up a recruiting picnic at St. Very Near, as it required an RSVP two weeks before. I don't remember if I read that on the postcard or note. No excuse--should have looked at the card before the event.

I've had more trouble getting up and out of the house in the past week than in all the months
prior. I've conceded, and I'm leaving the AC on all day.

In 2000, I went to Vermont to be with family during surgery. After that, I tried to go in the summer. It helped to break the back of this miserable time of year. If I had the money, I'd go now. Right now. Tomorrow, if possible.

Excessive heat warnings have been posted through Wednesday. YUCK!

September, hurry up!!!

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